By: Ryan Clayton

In Kenneth Miller's book titled Objective Based Safety Training, he discusses barriers to adult participation and learning. Trainer competence is the most significant barrier Miller discuses and many of us can relate to it. For instance we are put in front of the barrier every time we conduct a tool box talk. Miller defines Trainer competence as not only an expert in the subject matter, but also "competence in how the interaction with the class is managed". (Miller pg.74)  Coming from a college career of presenting information to the class and professor, authentic interaction with the audience was not really observed and evaluated.  However if you go back and think about the best class you ever had, I bet that the instructor shared similar characteristics which include: enthusiasm, empathetic, and subject matter expert. It is these types of instructors that have an understanding on how to bring conversation out of a class and in turn create authentic participation.

There are many ways to get over this barrier but the ones that I have found to work the best are as follows. First we must create the right environment for the audience. For instance create an environment that is not the same as ones work environment. Tool box talks should not be done on the job site itself rather in another area nearby. This allows the audience to apply their full attention to the training that is given. However the physical location is not always something that can be changed, for that reason it is important to designate a rally point to meet for emergencies and use that point to conduct a tool box talk.

Also to be a competent trainer one would have to master the art of “selling” of the material. With enthusiasm and confidence the interaction of the audience is gained and trust is built. If your audience is not buying what you say then the training is useless. Ask questions, and tell stories that can relate to the topic at hand.  Confidence is very important, and comes from the trainer understanding the material and also understanding the audiences need for the training.  With confidence comes enthusiasm!

By applying these ideas to all trainings/tool box talks, we can guarantee retention of the material and in turn…a safer work place.